Prud`homme, Gabrielle

abbr: Most of the alcool sold in Quebec comes from the SAQ.

b: Often, when you read an article online, the title is in bold.

cite: This morning my mother told me good morning before I left for school.

code: The function copy and paste allows you to easily take the information from a web page and but it on a word document.

dfn: In psychology we are learning about the importance of serotonin for your mental health.

em: The sun is the most important star for the survival of the human species.

i: Soleil is the french word for the sun.

kbd: On a Mac, you can take a screen shot by the shift-command-4 at the same time.

mark: While reading an academic articles, i find it usefull to highlight the main ideas.

q: The best is the enemy of the good. Voltaire

samp: When you do not review the typography before closing antidote, the program writes typographic detection not seen.

stong: This knife is really sharp, use it carefully.

small: This sentence is written in letters that are normal size. This one is written with small letters.

sub: H20 is the chemical symbol that represents water.

sup: The year 2000 makrked the beginning of the 21st century.

time: My neice was born on the at .

u: Often when you see something that is underline on a website, you assume that it is a link, however it is not always the case.

var: The x is always on the orizontal axis, while the y is always on the vertical one.